Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pdx Fair Trade

Once or twice a year we take a day to network with other Fair Traders in Portland, see what's new on the shelves of Pdx Fair Trade shops, bring home new inventory, and enjoy a meal in the city.  In short we spend the day refreshing our Fair Trade energies, chatting together about the big vision, settle a few of the nitty gritty details of the upcoming season, and have fun!

Today is one of those days and we have a lot planned!  These are the four businesses we'll be meeting up with.  Tropical Salvage (sustainable furniture from Asia), Bambootique and Global Sistergoods (both offering gifts galore from Latin America, Africa, & Asia) are all three Portland based and have inventory at Small Planet.  The fourth, Global Exchange was originally established in San Francisco and does a huge amount of education work on Fair Trade including Reality Travel trips.  They've recently moved their headquarters to Portland and have a shop on Hawthorne.  I encourage you to check out all four websites and follow their blogs.  If you happen to see any merchandise you'd like to find in  Hood River or on our soon to be launched online shop - let us know!

And, by the way, for lunch we're heading to friend Beth at Bambootique's favorite Thai spot  Pok Pok .  The menu looks fabulous!  We'll be sure to give you a full report of our adventures and culinary choices tomorrow!

