Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fair Trade Big Bang!

We've always wanted to attend the Fair Trade Federation's annual conference. What's not to like about a weekend full of inspiration and fun? So far it had been a dream for a day when our budget more closely matched our wish list. Then this year the conference came to us! Well, not literally, but it came to Portland. Obviously a sign that we were meant to be there.

It was everything we had hoped: inspiring speakers, useful workshops, meeting new friends and connecting with old. We took away so much to ponder and process that we haven't taken the time to really share with you yet. We did take photos, hoping to post them and let them speak for us, but somehow they all came out just a bit off-- usually my eyes were closed. So I'll have to give you a few highlights.

  • Being surrounded by other business people who love what they do, are committed to changing the world through their enterprises, and willingly share their experience and expertise.
  • Finally putting faces to the names of the wonderful people who run the Fair Trade Federation and Fair Trade Resource Network.
  • Hearing the stories of artisan groups from around the world and how Fair Trade really does improve their lives.
  • Gathering ideas for everything from marketing to accounting, from communicating with customers to planning unique events.
  • Expanding our already large wish list of products to bring to you.
  • Buying and ordering wonderful new goods that we know you'll enjoy.
New in the shop because of the conference:
Shona Sculpture from Zimbabwe
Heirloom Rice from the Philippines
Recycled paper beaded jewelry from Uganda
Tagua Nut, Coconut, and Seed Jewelry from South America
Dolls and toys from around the world

Coming soon-- Silver jewelry from Mexico and musical instruments from JamTown.

Next year the Fair Trade conference is in Boston. It seems a long way off and a long way away, but we're already working on how to get there. We'll have to work a bit harder next time, but now we know just how worth it it will be.