Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 27-29 the Fair Trade Federation will celebrate it's 15th birthday at it's annual national conference in Portland! And even more exciting to us - DeLona and I will be there! Though we attended the Green Business Conference in San Francisco a few years back since then we've poured all our time, energy and earnings back into the shop. However since the D.C. based organization is travelling all this way to convene in Oregon we couldn't pass of the opportunity to join the fun.

We're looking forward to tapping into the knowledge, inspiration, and experience of the larger Fair Trade movement! We'll also be networking with other small green business retailers and wholesalers. Our hope is to earn enough over the next couple weeks in the shop to be able to bring in some new inventory from fresh new Fair Trade connections made at the conference!

No doubt we'll be sharing some of our conference adventures here later this month!
